The RPAG Scoop | September 2024

Happy September RPAG community! This month we are going through what you missed in our Resources with our Senior Marketing Specialist, what you can look forward to this month (including National Conference) with our Director of Business Development, and why personalized target date funds are the future with flexPATH Strategies!
Here's What You Missed (0:44)
We released quite a bit of content within the past month, so if you missed any, Ashley Passow, our Senior Marketing Specialist, is going to highlight it for you! Starting with the new bill being proposed to the Senate soon that will allow 403(b) plans to include CITs. To show your support for this bill, reach out to your local senator using the government database here. Moving on to recently uploaded videos, we have two webinars and two sessions from our Regional Summits now live and ready to view at your convenience. These videos include "RPAG Technology" with Reese Wong, "The Scorecard" with Janette Oh, "Target Date FUN!" with Lauren Neeno, and "Take Control of Your Time with RPAG" with Luke Vandermillen. These sessions will give you insight and tips into each topic, explaining in detail how they will help you with your clients and prospects.
We also uploaded multiple new resources into the Resource Center or our Teachable Portal, including, but not limited to:
- How to Use RPAG Portal Settings
- August 2024 Participant Corner
- Q3 2024 Social Media Calendar
- Q2 2024 Fiduciary Investment Review Meeting Summary
- Q2 2024 Combo Meeting Summary
- September 2024 Retirement Times
To see our updates to the RPAG you can read the August 1 and August 13 featured articles.
What You Can Expect (6:34)
To stay up to date with RPAG in the future, be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel and read all of our blogs on our insights page of our website! Luke Vandermillen, our Director of Business Development, takes you on a quick journey through some of our popular resources and his session on the core principal of RPAG: saving time. Some newer resources that are popular among RPAG members include the Q3 Social Media Calendar, the Q3 Fiduciary Legal Briefing, Ask RPAG, and RPAG University.
RPAG University is a high-quality accessible curriculum for long time and newer members alike. This resource contains videos for going over the tools and solutions in the RPAG Portal. These easy-to-digest videos are great if you need a refresher for a resource that you don't use quite as often, or if you need a new employee to learn how to use the portal during their training period.
Luke also went through what our 2024 National Conference - JUBILEE is and what you can expect when you attend. Topics being discussed during the conference range from ERISA to artificial intelligence. This is the event of the year hosted at the Ritz-Carlton, Laguna Niguel overlooking the California coast. If you are reading this before September 8 and would still like to attend, reach out to and we would be happy to help you!
Auto-Personalized Target Date Funds (TDFs) (13:40)
Kellen Foley, Director of Investment Management at flexPATH Strategies, starts his segment with a quick overview of the DOL TDF tips, highlighting that fiduciaries should align TDFs with participant characteristics. While this traditionally done at the plan level using average participant data, personalized TDFs allow fiduciaries to take this much further. flexPATH has been a pioneer in the personalized TDF space since 2015. With over $70 billion in firm assets, they are the largest multi-glidepath TDF manager on the market with approximately 89% market share, according to the 2024 Sway Research Report. To help participants personalize their TDF, flexPATH Strategies developed the Discover Your PATH tool which allows participants to enter some basic information such as their age, contribution rate, and retirement savings to guide participants into the right glidepath. Now, flexPATH has the capability to automatically personalize TDFs without any participant engagement required, and at no extra cost - exclusively available to new Empower plans. If you would like more information on flexPATH funds or would like to discuss options for your clients, reach out to
Thank you for watching and reading this episode of the RPAG Scoop! We hope to see you at our National Conference and will be releasing our next Scoop on October 7.
Looking for more information?
Contact the RPAG Support Team at to learn more about RPAG and get help with our platform, suite of services, next-gen technology, or anything else!