Tech Enhancements - August 1, 2024

Welcome to the latest updates and improvements to the RPAG platform! Our goal is to provide you with the essential tools and support you need to grow your business. Our dedicated team is always working to enhance the platform and keep you up-to-date with the latest features and technological advancements. We are excited to share the following changes and improvements, which are designed to streamline processes, offer more flexibility, and provide a more polished and professional experience for users. Please see below for detailed notes on each update.

Improved Features

  • Rollover Ready
    • To provide more clarity and precision, Step 3 displays the selected percentage or dollar amount on report outputs.
  • FIR
    • If you change your product selection during the considerations step, the product dropdown filters will automatically update to reflect the new selections when adding consideration funds. This ensures that your report remains aligned with your latest preferences.
  • Meeting Minutes
    • The Investment Analysis Summary module display has been updated, streamlining the meeting preparation process.
  • Company Admin
    • We've enhanced company services, allowing for a much smoother loading experience.
  • WellCents
    • The impersonation feature now operates seamlessly without interruption from password reset prompts.
    • Calculators remain accessible when impersonating users, improving functionality and user experience.
  • PlanFees
    • Total fees consistently display as a percentage, providing a clearer understanding of fee structures.

Enhanced Features and Capabilities

  • FIR/Meeting Minutes
    • We've introduced a new mapping option "Eliminate and QDIA" to the considerations step, enhancing the flexibility and detail in both FIR and Meeting Minutes reports.
    • We have also refined terminology for greater clarity:
      • "Eliminate/Split" is now "Eliminate and Split Options"
      • "Eliminate/Options" has been updated to "Eliminate and Map Options"
  • Returns Analysis
    • We've updated our disclosure to display the RPAG contact number instead of a user’s company phone number, aligning with compliance and SEC regulations.
  • Company Alias
    • To enhance report customization, "Company Alias" and "Regions" fields have been incorporated into Advisor Reports/Advisor iQ.
  • Meeting Minutes/Meeting Agenda
    • Added functionality allows for advisor disclosures to be easily integrated into Meeting Minutes and Meeting Agendas, providing necessary transparency.
  • My Fund Menu/Fund Research
    • An "Upload Excel" option is now available in the My Fund Menu and Fund Research sections allowing for a more streamlined and enjoyable user experience.
  • Excel Exports
    • Filtering selections for RPAG data tables will now be retained on report outputs across various areas, such as To-Dos and Advisor Reports, improving data consistency.
      • Note: The PDF export option has been removed for these features as most users export to Excel.
  • Advisor Reports
    • We've enriched the "Clients or Prospects" section with several new features to create a more enhanced user experience:
      • “Fiduciary Briefcase (Last Login)” field has been added to Client Contacts report.
      • “Notes” report added to display any notes that have been added to a user’s clients or prospects.
      • New “Status Updated as of” column has been added to Client Information, Client Data, and Status Changes reports.
    • New columns have been added to Report Overview report under “Report Usage”
      • RFP Express, PlanFees Prism, Prism365, Stable Value Analyzer, TDF Analyzer, and Rollover Ready
  • Fund Mapping
    • Now features a blended score for reports using individual strategies, enhancing the depth of analysis.


Looking for more information?

Contact the RPAG Support Team at to learn more about RPAG and get help with our platform, suite of services, next-gen technology, or anything else!

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