Tech Enhancements - August 13, 2024

Welcome to the latest updates and improvements to the RPAG platform! Our goal is to provide you with the essential tools and support you need to grow your business. Our dedicated team is always working to enhance the platform and keep you up-to-date with the latest features and technological advancements. We are excited to share the following changes and improvements, which are designed to streamline processes, offer more flexibility, and provide a more polished and professional experience for users. Please see below for detailed notes on each update.

Improved Features

  • My Fund Menu
    • Fund Lookup will pull scores from the My Fund Menu, lessening your time to search for scores.
  • Company Roles
    • After inactivating and terminating users, they will be removed from dropdown options on the company admin page and in reports, clearing out your lists for you.
  • RFP Express
    • When exporting a report containing Per Participant Fee Cost, you will see the fee of each individual participant for the frequency selected. 
  • Rollover Ready
    • Cover page includes client name in landscape mode for exported reports, allowing for clearer information when presenting to your clients.
  • Style Box
    •  For easier reading, long fund names within the style box modules will wrap to the next line.
  • Expense Comparison
    • For your convenience, Expense Comparison is available in the FIR and Provider Analysis reports.

Enhanced Features and Capabilities

  • Batch Reporting
    • “Remove Considerations” for all selected funds with one click is now an option for Step 2 to rapidly create batch reports.
    • Clients with “At Risk” status are included in batch reporting, showing you well-rounded reports.
  • Provider Questionnaire
    • Questionnaire will show 100% completed with or without the “Other Notes and Documentation” section being filled out, removing the need to fill out the section if it is deemed superfluous.


Looking for more information?

Contact the RPAG Support Team at to learn more about RPAG and get help with our platform, suite of services, next-gen technology, or anything else!

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