2024 Regional Summits | RPAG Technology

Our goal at RPAG is to provide you with the best practice management platform in the retirement industry. One way is by constantly reinvesting capital into our technology. We have invested millions of dollars into our platform so that you can have access to the most cutting-edge platform on the market. Reese Wong, an Advisor Service Associate at RPAG, wanted to go through some of these technologies with you!

Starting with our most recent resource, we have RPAG University, that consists of a course curriculum to teach you how to use the RPAG Portal and all of the tools inside. You can also have new members of your firm watch and refer to these when they need a kickstart with the portal.

Rollover Ready (formerly Rollover Analyzer) is an easy-to-use solution that satisfies all documentation requirements set by PTE 2020-02 and documents conflicts of interest, all services to be offered in the proposed plan, and the reason that this recommendation is in the best interest of the participant. We made integrations with our CRM to pull investment fee and plan fee information.

Another great set of resources that advisors have access to are our newsletters! These are white labeled and can be distributed among your clients as if you wrote them yourself.

Reese wanted to highlight the accomplishments of our systems development team that is responsible for the deployment of all of our portal updates and tech enhancements. In 2023 there were 28 tech enhancement updates released, 80,000 Resource Center documents downloaded, 250,000 reports generated, over 20,000 meeting minute reports generated, and over 500,000 logins to the RPAG portal. 

One tech enhancement that is noteworthy is the brand-new Scorecard button included under your plan cards. You can simply press the "Scorecard Button" to instantly create a scorecard for your plan's fund lineup, lessening the steps you need to take to create this.

How do we decide when a tech enhancement should be implemented? First, your feedback goes to our systems development team. You then will receive a ticket number for that specific suggestion or feedback. We then have our committee go through your suggestions and decide which ones to update for the next deployment, and if your suggestion gets approved, you will get a notification saying that your ticket has been approved and an ETA of its deployment.

You can view Reese's presentation slides here.


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Contact the RPAG Support Team at support@rpag.com to learn more about RPAG and get help with our platform, suite of services, next-gen technology, or anything else!

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