Is Your Pit Crew High Performance?

Is your pit crew high-performance? Veronica Lee, our Senior Vice President of Client Services, gives the secrets to having a high-performance team. Your biggest asset as a lead advisor is your team. A top team is a must-have and can be the difference between success and failure in your business. Watch Veronica as she requests you to hold up a mirror to your pit crew and asks if you have created a team championship mindset.
- Veronica Lee, SVP Client Services
Some questions to ask yourself Are you gaining new clients? Are you keeping current clients with a retention rate of 90% or higher? Are you meeting the goals that you set for yourself year after year? What is the temperament like in your office? Most importantly, Do you have a high turnover?
Since your success is linked to your team's quality, you need to know how to optimize performance. It takes training, practice, mental prep, physical prep, and support. You need a carefully selected, practiced, trained, prepared, and supported team. The best leaders know that there is always a way to get better and improve. You have to learn about your team members in a sincere, genuine manner.
The workplace and employee/employer relationships have evolved. Remote work, high collaboration, and respect throughout the business hierarchy is here to stay. Start being more flexible with requests from your employees, and soon, more people will want to work for you, and fewer people will look for work elsewhere. Coddle this relationship as you would a romantic one. You need to care, put in the effort, be appreciative (both verbally and financially), have excellent communication, keep it fun and fresh, and tell them words of affirmation.
Service leadership is a mindset. It’s your job to clear the obstacles away from your team so they can be efficient. Tap into your humility because your most important assets are your teammates.
Are you looking for more insights? Download the presentation here.
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