What's New and Exciting with RFP Express

Luke Vandermillen from RPAG is excited to share some game-changing news with you. We're diving into the latest updates on RFP Express, the RFP (Request for Proposal) tool that's transforming the financial industry. So, what's all the buzz about? Let's break it down in plain language.
Meet RFP Express, RFP Express is the newest addition to the RPAG Fee Benchmarking Suite, and it's here to simplify your life. Say goodbye to the hassle of gathering proposals manually and say hello to a more efficient way of doing things. Here's what's in store
Instant Quotes with Record Keeper Integrations: No more waiting around for quotes! RFP Express hooks you up with instant quotes through our Record Keeper Integrations. It's like having a magic button for quick, accurate pricing info. No more manual data entry or waiting on responses, it's all at your fingertips.
Custom Quotes Made Easy: Creating custom quotes is a breeze with RFP Express. We've streamlined the process by using a simple set of demographics and pricing info from our record keepers. This means you can tailor your proposals with precision, saving you precious time.
Efficiency is Key We get it – the RFP process can be a real headache. That's why RFP Express is designed to make your life easier. Our simplified workflow lets you start your requests or proposals in minutes. Plus, if your request matches the pricing criteria, you'll get instant pricing. For custom quotes, expect responses by the next day. Efficiency at its finest!
Transparent Pricing with Open Architecture Quotes
Now, you have the ability to request completely open architecture quotes through RFP Express. This means you'll have access to the most transparent pricing available from record keepers. Transparency is crucial in the financial industry, and we're committed to providing it to you.
Startup 401K Plans Made Simple
Pricing startup 401K plans has never been easier. Record Keepers can now submit quotes for these plans through RFP Express, simplifying the process and giving you more options when it comes to serving your clients.
If you have any questions about RFP Express or any other RPAG resources, don't hesitate to reach out to us. You can contact us at support@rpag.com. We're here to support you and help you make the most of the RFP Express experience.
Looking for more information?
Contact the RPAG Support Team at support@rpag.com to learn more about RPAG and get help with our platform, suite of services, next-gen technology, or anything else!