Tech Enhancements - November 11, 2021

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RPAG wants to make sure you have the necessary tools and capabilities for your business. Our team is dedicated in helping you succeed. That's why we are here to ensure you are promptly notified with the latest updates, added features, tech enhancements, and much more. Below, you will find detailed notes that describe what has been changed or updated.
EnhancementsAdvisor Compensation
- Added two new choices to “type” drop down
- “Assets Based w/minimum” and “Asset Based w/maximum” options added
- Ability to add company logo and disclosure text onto a document was added.
- This is not implemented for all users, and as documents become available this enhancement will be available to premium content market subscriptions only
- All users will be able to save My Documents items directly to their fiduciary briefcase accounts with a newly added fiduciary briefcase icon
- “Demographics” section has been added within Meeting Minutes
- Ability to add client logo
- Support Activity added to view Batch Report queue
- Portfolio Allocation Management
- Input
- Added import functionality to funded status fields
- Output
- Chart populates with range of 40-120
- Input
- "True Up Year End Match" option added to Plan Design card. This can be viewed in reports as well.
- Participant Notes added to meeting notification email to both participant and advisor
- Meeting Type only displays one option when one option is present
- For example, if only remote meetings are available, then the “in person” selection will not show
- ‘WellCents for Kids’ and ‘WellCents for Teens’ areas available
- Marketplace products now moved above interesting reads
- Please note: Marketplace product are currently only enabled for NFP clients
- Prospecting widget loading data is now fixed
- Meeting Minutes will no longer have terminated and inactive contacts will now show in the contact selection area
- Meeting Agenda templates will populate in the proper order
- Users with only a WellCents role enabled (read only plan access) will no longer see the PAL feed icon
- Duplicate addresses in the Advisor Report client contact drop down option have been removed
- The TDF Evaluation section header name within Custom TDF Comparison is editable
- Stable value/GIC funds are able to be added as underlying fund(s)
If you have any questions or want to learn more about these technical enhancements, please contact for a demo.