The RPAG Scoop | September 2023

Welcome back to our monthly must-watch video newsletter: 'The RPAG Scoop' - Packed with essential updates hotter than a summer day, expert insights sweeter than your favorite scoop, and exclusive partner contributions as delightful as a sundae, this is the go-to video that's just the cherry on top of our resources.



What's the Scoop at RPAG? (0:20
Jeff Cheshier, our VP of Institutional Clients and Member Relations, starts us off by showing you the perks and benefits you get with our partners just by being an RPAG member! He then moves on to show you some tips and tricks that our ASA's want you to know.

Invest'mint' Update (10:21)
This segment, hosted by the one and only Jeff Elvander, our Chief Investment Officer, dives into market trends and updates. He also was kind enough to give a brief overview of the 95% (his session for our National Conference) and told us all about new and upcoming CITs available to our advisors. 

Inside Look at Nationwide (19:00)
Everyone knows the Nationwide jingle, but do you know their values and what makes them such a special organization? Shannon McCarthy, their Sales and Marketing Leader, has a special place in her heart for this company that she has spent 24 years of her career working for. She gives you the reasons why Nationwide is so special and the insight to the ways they uphold those values.

ESOPs with OneAmerica (25:46)
Last but not least, we have Dawn Hafner, the National ESOP Practice Leader from OneAmerica, to tell you the trends that they are seeing with Employee stock ownership plans or ESOPs and the services that they can provide to you and your clients' plans.

The RPAG Scoop is your gateway to the latest trends, expert advice, and industry-leading solutions in retirement planning and investment. By subscribing to our monthly newsletter, you'll receive valuable insights that can shape your financial future. Stay informed, stay inspired, and join us on this exciting journey of financial empowerment!

Don't miss out on this edition of The RPAG Scoop. Subscribe to our newsletter today and be ready to embark on an enriching learning experience. The power to achieve your retirement dreams begins with The RPAG Scoop!


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