The Retireminute | July 3, 2023

The weekly newsletter offers retirement advisors a comprehensive update on the latest news, developments, and resources. It includes updates on RPAG technology, marketing resources, and custom solutions that can help advisors better manage client accounts, promote their services, and address specific needs. The Retireminute also provides information on upcoming training and events, such as webinars and conferences, to help advisors improve their skills and stay current on industry trends. Overall, this serves as a valuable resource for retirement advisors looking to stay informed and improve their practice.

News & Updates

Scores will be released July 18.

Limitless 2023 Registration Now Open
Our national conference will propel you into the future, unveiling next-generation trends, empowering you with invaluable insights, and equipping you with cutting-edge solutions that will propel your sales to unprecedented heights.
Embrace Limitless -->

Tech Enhanced Features and Capabilities
Designed to streamline processes and provide a more polished experience, our enhanced features such as improved reporting, flexible content management, and accurate calculations enable you to make informed decisions and grow your business.
Explore Upgrades -->


Limitless: 2023 National Conference
September 10-12
Register Now -->

flexPATH Strategies

New Strategy Equivalent Features (CITs)
RPAG now integrates the strategy equivalent score for CITs for reports such as the style box, considerations, etc. This helps streamline the considerations process in the FIR.
Try It Out Today! -->

Marketing Resources

Introductory Meeting Deck
Content Marketing Plan > Overview of Services
View Here -->

Fee Benchmarking Presentation
Content Marketing Plan > Hosted Webinars
View Here -->


Looking for more information?

Contact the RPAG Support Team at to learn more about RPAG and get help with our platform, suite of services, next-gen technology, or anything else!

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