Welcome to the latest updates and improvements to the RPAG platform! Our goal is to provide you with the essential tools and support you need to grow your business. Our dedicated team is always working to enhance the platform and keep you up-to-date with the latest features and technological advancements. We are excited to share the following changes and improvements, which are designed to streamline processes, offer more flexibility, and provide a more polished and professional experience for users. Please see below for detailed notes on each update.
Improved Features
- Scorecard
- The headers appear once on the Scorecard output report providing a cleaner presentation.
- Client Details
- When creating a new client, you can seamlessly proceed to step 2 without any interruptions, ensuring a smooth workflow.
- RFP Express
- Start-up plan assets calculate with ease, ensuring accuracy.
- The 'Platform type' field has been added to the quote comparison screen, offering more precise categorization.
- The Blended Score also now appears within provider lineups, providing greater clarity.
Enhanced Features and Capabilities
- Report
- Calendar Year Performance
- A new Calendar Year Performance feature has been added to the FIR, Fund Lookup, Fund Research, and the Scorecard dropdown, making it easier for all users to access and review annual performance data.
Looking for more information?
Contact the RPAG Support Team at support@rpag.com to learn more about RPAG and get help with our platform, suite of services, next-gen technology, or anything else!
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