RPAG | Industry Trends and Technology News

Sink Your Teeth Into Our ERISA Buffet

Written by RPAGĀ® | Nov 23, 2021 8:00:00 AM

It's safe to say that we have been extremely busy over the last few years, obviously with the pandemic there's been a lot of movement in legislation and regulatory safe harbors that have been put up and it's not slowing down. 

We are coving very important topics that you should be talking to your clients about and you should be preparing for.

Presenter: Joel Shapiro, Senior Vice President, ERISA Compliance

  • Environment Sustainability and Governance (ESG)
    • RPAG continues to monitor and report on the ESG regulatory environment and research the ESG investment space. watch the video below to learn about which certain concepts remained constant.
  • Cybersecurity
    • DOL maintains that cybersecurity is, and has always been, a fiduciary responsibility. RPAG has created a template that you can use to request responses from service providers that covers all DOL's recommendations.
  • Rollover practice
    • 2022 will launch fiduciary responsibilities for rollover recommendations - are your ducks in a row? watch the video to find out more.
  • Changes in litigation trends
    • We review the most impactful cases over the past year that provides insights into fiduciary responsibilities. 
Download a copy of the slides by clicking here.


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