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Premium Marketing for the Modern Advisor

Written by RPAG | Jun 7, 2024 7:47:04 PM

Marketing can be hard, but it doesn’t have to be. There are so many resources available to RPAG members in the Resource Center that can be utilized to save you time and increase your number of qualified leads.

Let’s start with the why. To quickly summarize, marketing is important for brand recognition so that when a plan sponsor is at the point that they decide they need an advisor (or a new advisor), you’re at the top of their mind. Also, the whole world is online now, so if your firm is not making its mark on the digital map, you’re missing out on a whole segment of potential clients that do their research online.

Starting with social media, use the quarterly social media calendar that can be found in the Resource Center under the Content Marketing Plan section. This includes a 3-month calendar outlining when and what you should be posting. This is a beneficial guide but is editable if you feel you need a slightly different approach. At the end of this document is a content repository with social posts that you can copy and paste straight to your social media platforms. This includes a link to our Retirement Times articles, but if you post the Retirement Times to your own website, then link it to those. A new addition to the calendar is the ChatGPT prompt column. These will have prompt templates that you can input to ChatGPT and have an easier time repurposing content.

The next resource to save you time will be our auto-branding feature for the Retirement Times and Fiduciary Hot Topics. This feature allows you to load your branding into our white label documents that you can give to your plan sponsors and their employees with the click of a button. These documents position you as an expert in your field while giving confidence to your plan sponsors that they chose you as their advisor.

Our RFP teams also wanted to assist our members by giving them an extensive RFP Response that has the answers to almost any question that a plan sponsor would think to ask in an RFP. With over 600 RFP responses logged by our own team on your behalf, we thought we would make it easy for you so you can get these done efficiently.

If you follow us on social media or have received any of our emails, then you are probably aware of all the webinars that we host to give you educational content. We also host 4 webinars a year aimed toward plan sponsors that you can send your prospects and clients to so they can earn CE credits. If you want to host your own to be more engaging with your clients, we provide presentations and premade invitations as well.

Furthermore, in our Resource Center, there are Drip Emails that are pre-made and ready to be personalized and sent to your prospects or clients. These are informational emails that give your audience a reason to reach out to you if they need more information on the topic, whether that’s boosting enrollment numbers or navigating plan design options. These should be sent throughout the year to keep your firm and name at the top of their minds when it comes to retirement planning.

Be the reason that your firm succeeds by utilizing these premium marketing resources.

Not sure if you’re a premium marketing member or need to add it on to your membership? Email us at support@rpag.com or call us at 949-305-3859.

If you would like to see a more in-depth explanation of our resources included in the Premium Marketing membership, watch our session with our Senior Marketing Specialist here.
