Our president, Nick Della Vedova, went over the many aspects of RPAG that make us a competitive company. We strive to give our members the best service possible and constantly innovate our technology to maximize your business practices. Your job as a retirement advisor is to give your clients the best possible advice for their needs, and with the help of RPAG, you can beat out your competition tenfold. watch the video below:
Our technology is ever-changing. We consistently add new products tour array and work with you to give you the best package for your needs. Based on the fact that the tenure of more than 50% of RPAG members is more than 4 years, with 30% being more than 8 years can tell you that we take care of our members and we care about their business.
Are you looking for more insights? Download the presentation here.
Contact the RPAG Support Team at support@rpag.com to learn more about RPAG and get help with our platform, suite of services, next-gen technology, or anything else!